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Thank you all for your participation!
Ladies and gentlemen, the Antipodes Festival Glendi we witnessed last weekend was a little bit of Greek magic in this fair city of ours-and I wanted to thank you for …
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The polls and the Queensland election
Nick Economou asks whether the Queensland polls were accurate or incompetent.
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The real footy season has begun
Theo Giantsos welcomes the return of AFL and Ben Cousins.
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Giantsos’ Macedonian crocodile tears
Theo Giantsos you’re out of line with your views, I am not sure which side of the fence you are on. You say we need to compromise with Skopje and …
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The legacy of Alexis Grigoropoulos
Nick Giantsos discusses the fall out of the December riots in Greece.
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Learning to live between cultures
State Liberal MP, Nick Kotsiras, draws on his own experience as a migrant to make the case for multiculturalism.
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All my Macedonian heartbreak
Theo Giantsos responds to the recent attack on the Greek bus in FYROM by making the case for why a resolution of the ‘naming issue’ is required.
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Queensland election an important contest
Dr Nick Economou looks at the political significance of the Queensland election for Queensland and Federal politics.
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We need Keating and Xenophon!
Nick Giantsos looks at a week when Paul Keating, Nick Xenopphon and Pacific Brands were in the news.
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Giantsos is right!
I read with great interest Theo Giantsos’ article (NKEE Letters 23 February) “Stop pillaging Greece’s marine treasures”. The article saddened me greatly. However I was totally disgusted with Steven Papadopoulos’ …