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Metro use rises
The number of Athenians using the Athens Metro has increased in the last 12 months.
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Illegal dumps ‘on the nose’ in Greece
Greece has seen the closure of more than 1600 illegal dumps since the middle of 2008.
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An increase in ‘fakelakia’ in Greece
Greece has seen an increase in corruption in the last 12 months, according to a survey commissioned by global anti-corruption watychdog. Transperancy International.
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Greek doctor advocates for disabilities
A Greek doctor will host a series of advocacy workshops for people with disabilities.
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Growing garlic
Nick Diamantopoulos shares his experience of running Australian Garlic Producers, Australia’s largest domestic producer of garlic.
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Local conference on migration
A two day conference is being held at the Immigration Museum Melbourne on issues of migration in Australia and Greece.
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Greek Oscar win so close yet so far
Alexander Desplat was among the nominees for best soundtrack at the 2009 Oscars.
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Hale’s helping hand to bushfire victims
Three weeks have passed since Flowerdale residents endured the devastation of Black Saturday. Peter Laliotis and his colleagues from Hales Institute, a private vocational training provider, have made the life …