‘The Prophecy’ is a haunting nine-photo series created by Belgian Beninese photographer Fabrice Monteiro and a Senegalese stylist known as Doulsy.

The story is based on the myth of the ancient Greek goddess Gaia and the stylist transforms trash into garments of haute couture.

Monteiro and Doulsy used the myth as a springboard to touch on modern-day issues such as ocean waste and global warming.

Monteiro came up with the original idea and Doulsy realised their common perspective into the most intricate costumes.

“Gaia, the mother earth, (is) exhausted by her incapacity to maintain the natural cycles of the planet in front of new modes of life and consumption,” Monteiro says.

“She resolves to send her djinns (children), to let them appear to the humans and deliver a message of warning and empowerment.”

The models pose as one of Gaia’s children, embodying nine of her concerns in each shot.

The series took two years to complete, mainly because gathering the materials and turning them into costumes was a rather challenging procedure.

“Everything in the accomplishment of this series has been a challenge … tar, sand, fishing nets, fish scales, tree bark, every costume material had to refer to the specific issue.

“From the creation of the costumes to gaining access to certain sites. Each image also had to be done at a certain time of the year – from flood season, to slash and burn season, to charcoal season,” he explains.

Monteiro believes that art is one of the most effective means of expressing concern and hopes that his newest work with ‘The Prophecy’ will help spark important discussions by speaking to the hearts of people through mixing facts and art.

“Giving this issue a mystical element helps with awareness, and pushes people to change – and change now.”

Source: CNN Style