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Hellene by birth, Australian by choice
As I approach my 75th birthday next month, having spent 71 years in Australia, I often find myself reflecting on my youthful adventures and pondering what my life might have …
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Power of attorney abroad for transactions in Greece
When someone wants to sign a real estate transaction in Greece but does not reside in the country, he/she can sign the deed indirectly, by signing a power of attorney …
Inheritance tax in Australia: Necessary reform or a political third rail?
The proposal to reintroduce an inheritance tax in Australia is reigniting an old debate one that is often clouded by political fearmongering and ideological divisions. While Great Britain and the …
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Diatribe: On secondment
Widely debated in our community of late, is the news that the Greek government, through an initiative by the Minister of Education, Religion, and Sports, will send 600 clergy on …
Creative Australia and cancel culture: Venice Biennale debacle
Today, the Board of Creative Australia announced that Khaled Sabsabi would no longer represent Australia at the Venice Biennale in 2026. It was only a week ago that he was …
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Neos Kosmos turns 68 as our journey continues
It’s Neos Kosmos‘s birthday! It has turned 68 and, in an era, when everything is changing, our newspaper is trying to adapt to the demands of the times. It still, …
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Diatribe: For the Love of Humanity – The Jewish medical relief fund in Greece
Even before the close of World War II, Jewish relief organisations began to seek volunteers for post-war relief work in shattered Europe. In Australia, Jewish communities established the Jewish Relief …
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Tribute to Sofia Mastoris
I write to pay tribute to the late Sofia Mastoris, whose passing marks the end of an era—one defined by grassroots mobilisation and an unwavering dedication to the Greek community. …
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New European entry rules may reveal Australian-born dual nationals to have lost their Australian citizenship
Australian-born citizens who acquired dual citizenship between November 22, 1984 and April 3, 2002 in Australia, could get the shock of their lives when new ETIAS procedures take effect at …
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Diatribe: Grecophones
We had just completed an almighty sandcastle with crenelated ramparts with which I intended to demonstrate to my children the Siege of Amorion, when the earth began to shake. Minutes …