The Melbourne Demons, having not qualified for September action in 2014, embarked on their ‘Mad Monday’ celebrations this week, and it was not without controversy.

Greek Cypriot defender Alex Georgiou, dressed as a young girl, donning a dress and a wig with pigtails, and teammate Dean Terlich dressed as disgraced Australian entertainer Rolf Harris, have landed themselves in a bit of trouble for their contentious attire.

A photo of the pair was posted on Twitter and forced Demons’ coach Paul Roos to apologise for the controversial dress-up.

Rolf Harris was found guilty of indecent assault against four girls by an English court in June, and sentenced to five years and nine months in prison.

Roos said the pair’s behaviour was intolerable and expressed his disappointment earlier this week.

“I guess I find it hard to believe a couple of players could turn up like that,” he said.

“There’s no malice and there’s no intent in it but there’s just no thought process goes into it.”

“I’m sure there are people out there that take the view that boys will be boys. I don’t take that view. I just think that’s unacceptable.”

The coach will meet the players to discuss the matter further, which is likely to include some form of punishment.

Source: ABC