Darwin business magnate John Halikos was born on the Greek island of Kalymnos, but moved to the Northern Territory in Australia with his family when he was still a baby.

Halikos never forgets his beloved island of origin, demonstrating his love in every way possible, especially as his financial and business success grows.

The expat entrepreneur, who visits Kalymnos several times a year, has been making many donations to the island’s municipality as well as to individual Kalymnians in need.

Last Christmas he provided the poor families of the island with turkeys and bicycles.

This year, he asked his partners to buy lambs and distribute them to all underprivileged families, ensuring all Kalymnians can enjoy this Easter holiday.

While he initially refused to comment on his latest donation, he admitted that at least 400 lambs will be distributed through the social grocery of the island, Metropolis, as the priests point out homes that are struggling with poverty.

“It is shameful to talk about this sort of human help. Greece is going through a crisis, my favourite island is facing problems and my contribution is less than minimal,” John Halikos tells Neos Kosmos.

Mr Halikos’ company is based in Darwin, home for thousands of Kalymnian immigrants, many of whom arrived there recently to escape the current Greek crisis.

The business tycoon has always been supportive of the diaspora, and even sponsored the Darwin Panhellenic SAE Games.

Halikos Group is one of the most prominent and largest construction companies in the Northern Territory.

The Group has also expanded in Hotels, with “H”, declared one of the 10 best resorts in Australia.

John Halikos’ new goal is to build an artificial island near the port of Darwin and turn it into “a newer, smaller version of Dubai.”

Even though he has already come across many hurdles and unfortunate predicaments as the drills that work in the area have only been striking mud, he won’t give up just yet.

“I have a valid contract allowing me to make the most of the area for the next 99 years. I will eventually find a way to overcome these difficulties,” he says.