The head of Medusa, a Greek mythological creature who turned all who gazed upon her to stone, has been unearthed during excavations in the ancient city of Antiocheia Ad Cragum, in the southern province of Antalya’s Gazipaşa district.

“We have found the Medusa figure … among the marble blocks of a big structure, most probably a temple,” said Nebraska University’s Michael Hof, who is heading the excavations. “This is a normal human-size head, maybe a bit bigger. It does not belong to a sculpture but a relief located in the front façade of the temple. It was found nearly a week ago. When the excavation is finished, it will be delivered to the Alanya Cultural Directorate.”

Uşak University Archaeology Department member Professor Birol Can said the work started in Antiocheia Ad Cragum in 2005 and was continuing with collaboration from Turkish and US officials.