Six specialised teams will crisscross the Netherlands to carry out euthanasia at the homes of patients whose own doctors refuse to do so, a pro-euthanasia group said.

“Since Thursday, the Levenseindekliniek (Life-end clinic) has mobile teams where people who think they comply with the criteria for euthanasia can register,” Right-to-die NL (NVVE) spokeswoman Walburg de Jong said.

“If they comply, the teams will carry out the euthanasia at patients’ homes should their normal doctors refuse to help them.”

Ms De Jong says the group, has teams made up of a specially-trained doctor and nurse who will work part time, visiting patients all over the Netherlands.

The Netherlands became the first country in the world to legalise euthanasia in April 2002, and has strict criteria regulating how such mercy killings can be carried out.

Patients must be mentally alert when making the request to die.