I said window.

It was me.

All windows Open towards you.

Who else but George would simultaneously smash a window and recite poetry? The juxtaposition of something so passionate, to recite poetry yet at the same time smash a window to get to their love is the reason this novella is so alive. All Window’s Open is Hariklia Heristanidis’ first venture into published literature and a dynamic foundation work from which to launch future prose.

Titled after the Yiannis Ritsos poem of the same name, All Window’s Open centres around Chrissi Triantafillou – an average Greek girl growing up in Melbourne in the ’80s. Well as average as you can be when you have no sense of smell, are cursed by your mother and in love with your cousin George. But relationships between first cousins are strictly taboo in the Orthodox community; and anyway Chrissie has a boyfriend, and George has met Dora while travelling in Greece, and is engaged to be married. Even so, Chrissie can’t help fantasizing about George and wonders whether he might harbour inappropriate feelings towards her too.

To say anymore about the story would be giving too much away. The characters are larger than life with each character – from Chrissie’s meddling neighbour Mrs Xanthos to the coffee cup reading widow Magdalena Mavros, to Uncle Nikos, and cousin George himself – becoming part of this make-shift family woven together through perfectly constructed coincidences. The narration is written from the point of view of Chrissie – a witty and tender soul – and the widow Mrs Mavros in who Heristanidis has created a captivating and unknowing heroine.

Entertaining and engaging, the novella is fast paced due to its smaller size so perfect for those readers who like to get straight to the point, yet, remains incredibly expressive and wonderfully lively. The narrative is tight and concise and so alive on every page, in every sentence, and every word. You can’t help but be hooked to this witty romance from start to end. And just when you think it’s all over, there are seven short stories following the novella just as an extra little treat.

The book is for anyone who remembers the angst of a first relationship, first love, or the first time they ever had their coffee cup read. A stunning debut by Heristanidis. All Window’s Open and other short stories by Hariklia Heristanidis is available at all good bookstores, or order your copy online at amazon.com. For more information visit cloudsofmagellan.net/all-windows-open/