Fresh from the triumph of the comedy Men ready for anything, the Paroikia theatrical company will present the comedy Συμπέθεροι από τα Τίρανα under the direction of Michael Reppas and Thanasis Papathanasiou.

The play centres around the theme of mixed marriage which is relevant in Australia. The parents of the bride, new rich peasants, send their daughter to study in London. While there she meets an Albanian boy and plans to marry him. What follows is a comedic upheaval filled with laughter and mess.
The play first premiered in Athens circa 2008 – 2009 and continues to be played today.

Συμπέθεροι από τα Τίρανα will be presented at Kew Theatre and premieres on Saturday 31 May and runs until Sunday 15 June. For more information on dates and times email