An opinion poll has revealed that the majority of Greek citizens consider Turkey to be the biggest threat to Greece.

Titled ‘What’s in a Name? Greek Public Attitudes towards the ‘Name Dispute’ and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in 2018’, the poll was conducted by the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) to document the Macedonia name dispute, as negotiations continue between the countries.

Despite the ongoing issue, it was Turkey that stood out with 50.5 per cent of the vote, which isn’t at all surprising given the tension between the neighbours of late.

The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) only received 2.5 per cent of the vote when it came to perceptions of threat to Greece. Ahead of FYROM was Germany, which also featured on the list, albeit with a low percentage of 4.5 per cent, as did the United States with 2 per cent.

Meanwhile 33.5 per cent of those who took part were optimistic, stating that there is no threat to Greece.

When it came to the name dispute with FYROM, 71.5 per cent said they wanted the name to have no reference to Macedonia, while 22.5 per cent were in favour of a composite name.