Greek Australian Maia Oranea Stratos is the official face of the Marrickville Festival being held on tomorrow. The eight-year-old is the perfect example of the culturally diverse area of Marrickville with a Greek mother and an Irish Australian father.

Her mother, Katerina Stratos, and her husband both work in the film and arts industries and said their daughter exemplified the culturally mixed and artistic community of Marrickville.

“We love living in Marrickville because our neighbourhood is so artistic and Maia is a product of that artistic community – she loves sculpting, drawing and painting,” said Katerina.

Maia said she regularly visits the area’s local markets and enjoys shopping at Reverse Garbage where she buys recycled materials to make Plasticine and clay models. “There’s always fun things to do,” Maia said when asked what she likes most about Marrickville.