Love your community news? Here’s how to never miss a story from Neos Kosmos

We know that readers to our website often use Facebook to reach us and discover the headlines that matter to them.

To make it easier, we’ve pulled together a handy guide to help you see our stories first in your Facebook feed.

By following our instructions, Facebook will prioritise what you see in your newsfeed based on the pages you follow, what you have last engaged with and the types of content that the social media site thinks that you want to see.

The social network made the change last year, and it has made it harder for readers to get community news from the site that they trust. It is also the reason why you may have been missing some of our content.

When you are using your mobile phone and are on our Facebook page, select the ‘Follow’ option from the menu by tapping on the three ‘dots’.

Follow Neos Kosmos on Facebook with your mobile device.

Alternatively, if you’re on desktop, visit our page and click the ‘Follow’ button and select ‘See First’. By selecting ‘See First’, you are indicating to Facebook that the news of the diaspora is important to you, and you’ll never miss an update from Neos Kosmos.

Follow Neos Kosmos on Facebook on your desktop browser.

As a community media provider, we work hard to bring you content that affects the diaspora and Greek community around the world. We want you to be able to see our stories as they are published.

You can also help us to continue providing these stories by sharing them on Facebook and other social media platforms with your friends when you think they will have an impact.