Victorian researchers are ready to move their lab research to trials for the development of a vaccine against COVID-19. But what they urgently need to get there, is funding.

An elite team of Victoria University (VU) researchers, led by Professor Vasso Apostolopoulos, have a unique patented vaccine delivery technology that they have already used to develop vaccines against diseases like cancer, diabetes and Multiple Sclerosis. Now they’re using a similar, improved technology to create vaccines as part of a larger VU effort to fight COVID-19.

“We know we’re on the right path to find the coronavirus vaccine, we just urgently need your help to fast-track the research from the laboratory to trials. A generous donor has also come forward to supercharge the fight for a vaccine by matching your gift, dollar for dollar,” Professor Apostolopoulos said. She is asking everyone who can, to pitch in and help win the battle against the disease.

“There are NO conspiracy theories, get educated, SARS-CoV-2 is not a joking matter”

Prof Apostolopoulos had recognised the severity of COVID-19 right from the outset, and had urged the Australian governments to “close down the borders”.

Now she is becoming increasingly alarmed by the refusal of thousands of people to test for the disease, and how this could drive the pandemic out of control.

According to statements made by Victorian health minister Jenny Mikakos, it seems that among the thousands who refused to test, many believe that the global pandemic is a conspiracy theory. Dr Apostolopolulos has turned to her social network urging people to take the disease seriously, before the control over it is lost.

“Get tested, stop being ignorant. Ignorance is a disease! We need to get control of this otherwise we’ll very quickly leap into the thousands per day and people will be dying on the streets because the medical system will be overloaded. There are NO conspiracy theories, get educated, SARS-CoV-2 is not a joking matter”.

“It’s people like this, immature, careless, smartasses that are affecting the rest of Victoria’s 6.5 million population. It’s not just another flu, get your facts right. Stop reading social media for your facts, ask doctors, nurses, scientists. Just pathetic,” Dr Apostolopoulos adds, incredulous that a number of Victorians are putting everyone else at risk.