The Onassis Stegi Cultural Centre is hosting a special lpanel discussion tonight that coincides with United Nations’ 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence which began today ,25 November which is the International Day for the Elmination Against Violence Against Women, and end on Human Rights Day on 10 December.

The panel of eight Greek women will focus on the theme of: Patriarchy, Sexism and Gender-Based Violence in Greek Society that will be shown on You Tube tonight at 9pm AEST.

The Onassis Foundation describe in a statement that the discussion will reflect on: “The daily lives, experiences, and thoughts of eight women who will be speaking openly about everything society finds hard to hear.

“In the wake of the crimes against Eleni Topaloudi, Suzanne Eaton, and Zackie Oh (Zak Kostopoulos), and on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Onassis Stegi is inviting eight women with diverse backgrounds and knowledge to discuss their experiences as femininities.”

Onassis Stegi said the participants would talk of their experiences of sexism, the gender stereotypes that they grew up with and face in their adult professional lives.

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“They recall incidents of gender-based violence that they themselves have faced and also touch upon the impact that such abuse continues to have on the collective consciousness, with a particular emphasis on institutional responses that often compound the trauma suffered by victims of gender-based violence,” said the foundation in describing the talk.

♦ To see a preview of the panel discussion visit the Patriarchy, Sexism and Gender-Based Violence in Greek Society link. To find out more about the Onassis Stegi, click on the Onassis Stegi internet link.