People from Greek, Arabic and Chinese-speaking communities who have been diagnosed with cancer in the last five years will be paid to take part in a study that will look at their experiences of supportive care services and managing health and well-being.

The Melbourne-based LOTE Agency which is recruiting the people for the study have said the findings of the study will be used to help develop resources and and services for members of the Greek, Arabic and Chinese communities who are receiving care for a cancer diagnosis.

LOTE’s head of communities and research Kwabena Ansah said the survey was being conducted on behalf of Deakin and La Trobe universities and the Olivia Newton John Cancer and Wellness and Research Centre which is linked to Austin Health

The survey would available online or could be posted to survey participants with reply-paid envelope.

READ MORE: Greeks work 179 days in the year for the taxman, survey reveals, as minimum wage rise is considered

Mr Ansah said the survey, which is Australia-wide, would take up to 45 minutes to complete and a gift voucher worth $50 would be offered to participants after they completed the survey.

For more information about the survey contact the LOTE Agency on 1300 752 108 or email kwabena@loteagency.