Last year produced a positive balance in terms of jobs, as within a year 99,112 more were created than those lost, even though dismissals outnumbered hirings by 91,761 in the last four months of the year, according to Labor Ministry data released on Wednesday.

Out of a total 1,566,139 hirings during 2014, more than half (790,918) concerned flexible forms of labor, such as part-time or rotational employment.

The Ergani database showed a slowdown in job creation last year, as the net growth of 99,122 jobs lagged 2013’s 133,488 net result. December was the fourth consecutive month when layoffs outnumbered hirings, to the tune of 834. The flow in salaried employment last month comprised 115,436 hirings and 116,270 departures. The decline compared to the same month in 2013 is considerable as hirings had overshadowed departures by 19,999 jobs a year earlier.

On a yearly basis, hirings in 2014 rose by 36.3 percent from 2013 to reach 1,566,139, against 1,467,017 departures, of which 881,424 were the result of sackings or of the end of fixed-time contracts, while 585,593 concerned voluntary departures.

Source: Kathimerini