
Alexandros Logothetis


Greek immersion works well

Thirty three years of a Greek bilingual program at a public school in Melbourne.


Greece’s reputation on the line

Visiting Greek MPs highlight Greece’s financial woes but express cautious optimism


Europe to the rescue

The 16 countries of the Eurozone agreed on Thursday night to support the French-German rescue plan for the Greek economy.


SAE’s medal stuff-up!

Four months after the end of the PanHellenic Games held in Melbourne in November last year, 34 winning athletes have yet to receive their medals.


Greek language in NT: A case study of success

The teaching of the Greek language and culture in the NT and especially in Darwin is a success story that can serve as a case study for the rest of Australia.


Record number of Greek candidates in SA elections

A total of 20 Greek Australians are candidates in the South Australia elections which will take place on March 20.


Tough times: Greek cuts bite into local services

The new austerity measures announced by Greece have raised significant questions about what impact the drastic cuts in public spending will have on the Greek Government services


Theo’s parting words

Controversial former Victorian politician and Minister, Theo Theophanous, talks to Neos Kosmos about his intense 22 year political journey.


It’s all Greek to them

A forum to discuss languages education with the Greek ccommunity took place last Monday at the building of the Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne Victoria (GOCMV).


Insulation program is terminated by fed govt

The General Manager of Go Green Home Insulation , Bill Makris explains to Neos Kosmos why the way the government rebate program unfolded was “a disaster waiting to happen.”
