
Dora Houpis


Click all your worries away with komboloi beads

“I will do away with the watch And I will get a komboloi, So I can count the sorrows and the sighs. Song “Roloi, Komboloi”, debut singer Grigoris Bithikotsis Not …


‘My life in Richmond’, living near an injecting room

For 21 years I have lived in a suburb which is colloquially referred to as having the “David Jones of drugs” and in a street within the non-affectionately known “golden …


Greek locals dub Richmond’s trial injecting room a failure

Greek residents and traders in Richmond have branded Victoria’s only safe injecting room, in North Richmond, a failure saying a different response was needed to fight the area’s drug problem. …


Now, that’s better! Then and now at Eaton Mall, Oakleigh

Oakleigh’s famous Hellenic precinct in Eaton Mall is alive and well. Patrons enjoyed seated dining inside and outside the area’s famous eateries, throughout this week as restaurants opened to diners …


What happened in Oakleigh today? Greek precinct awakens

Greek restaurants and eateries throughout Melbourne reopened today to seated dining for the first time since the coronavirus lockdown began in April. Neos Kosmos visited the famous Greek precinct of …


The Hellenic spirit of togetherness propels Richmond’s Greek shops

“They say: ‘What part of Greece are you from?’ “I say, Richmond.” Demitri’ s Feast owner, Demitri Karabagias Richmond Greek cafes and restaurants are drawing strength from the loyalty between themselves and that of their customers with a …


Greek precinct’s restaurateurs eager to seat diners on Monday

Oakleigh’s famous Hellenic precinct, Eaton Mall, will come alive again as more Greek restaurants get ready to reopen their dining areas on Monday 1 June after two months of coronavirus-enforced …


Signs of our coronavirus times

“Great and unexpected successes are often the cause of foolish rushing into acts of extravagance.” – Demosthenes. Getting ready to enjoy life again on the outside after weeks of house arrest imposed by the coronavirus lockdown? Not so fast. Remember the ancient Greek statesman …


Oakleigh restaurants get ready to reopen on 1 June – and owners get creative to make it work

Owners of two big restaurants in Oakleigh’s famous Hellenic precinct in Eaton Mall, this week welcomed the State Government’s easing of coronavirus trading rules with both saying they will reopen …


Unprecedented results of COVID-19 lockdown

Many things about COVID-19 and the subsequent worldwide lockdowns have been unprecedented. Even the frequency of the use of the word itself since March has been unprecedented. Below is a …
