Effie Karageorgos
Birth of a nation
The history of Greece’s independence
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‘Operation Domestic’ – an unexplored avenue of Greek migration
“Greek women came to Australia in large numbers and in the early sixties they outnumbered the men”.
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Don’t trust Greek political parties, say KKE
KKE members tell Australian audiences that Greek political parties are working for their own interests and not that of the people.
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Welcome Wall honour for Greek-Cypriot couple
Cypriot-born Sydney couple Neofitos and Yiannoula Stavrou are two of the latest migrants to be honoured on the Australian National Maritime Museum’s Welcome Wall.
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Conference focuses on technology in Greek language teaching
The Modern Greek Teachers Association of Victoria (MGTAV) held their annual conference ‘The Greek Language in Australia – Sustainability, Maintenance and Diversity’ last week.
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Greek-born businessman awarded highest honour by Flinders University
Nick Begakis AM has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate by Flinders University for his charitable and entrepreneurial contributions to society, as well as his work restructuring the
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Bronze Age art of Cyprus comes alive
A current exhibition at the Ian Potter Museum of Art showcases ancient Cypriot ceramic art held by the University of Melbourne.
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Greek-born specialist recreates 3D Titanic
Nick Kaloterakis talks to Neos Kosmos about working with director James Cameron’s team to present a historically accurate reconstruction of the Titanic.
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The urge to inspire
Peggy Radiotis is giving back to women in under-developed countries by showing them how to be leaders.