Margaret Paul
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Greek Australians leaders in child protection
Three Greek Australians speak to Neos Kosmos about National Child Protection Week and what they do
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Cook-off raises funds for Berry St kids
Leading Melbourne chef Vas Dounoudis and four celebrities cooked at a fundraising dinner for the homeless at Church Street Enoteca.
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Greeks support Pakistani flood relief
Greek Australian individuals are reaching out to support victims of the recent floods in Pakistan according to a senior World Vision Australia official.
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The taste of Spring in Oakleigh
As the warmer weather approaches, Vicky Peppos is doing cooking classes on lighter Greek food
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Melbourne Fringe Festival kicks off
Dozens of Greek Australian are involved in the Melbourne Fringe Festival, as performers, musicians and organisers.
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Making the cut since 1965
In the 1960s, Steve Toumbas was a Greek migrant in Adelaide. Now, he tells Margaret Paul, the award-winning hairdresser is helping the current crop of migrants.
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Financial crisis means more archaeological works in Cyprus
The Director of the Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute (CAARI), Dr Thomas W. Davis, told a lunchtime lecture at The University of Melbourne that while the Global Fin
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Megalogenis proclaims election “strangest ever”
George Megalogenis told a lunchtime crowd where the 2010 election was won and lost. Or, rather, just lost.
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Apodimi Compania in National Film and Sound Archive
Apodimi Compania have made the National Film and Sound Archive’s ‘Sounds of Australia’ list of aural treasures
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Migrant poem wins essay prize
A poem by a general practitioner about how the trauma of migrant parents affects their children has won a medical prize.