


Comment: European farmers’ protests trigger EU Summit talks on agricultural crisis

I don’t know if a butterfly in Tokyo causes a tornado in Texas, but what happens in one European Union country immediately impacts all EU nations. I’ve seen the same …


Fostering economic relations: The Greece-Australia Double Tax Treaty explained

The imminent Double Taxation Agreement between Greece and Australia is expected to foster economic ties, improve tax efficiency, and create new trade opportunities for individuals and businesses operating across borders. …


Pontus: We never thought to ask

“We never thought to ask about where our parents came from. Of course, we knew we were Pontians. Refugees from the Black Sea. We spoke a different language. But our …


Hercules and the end of the Greek Colonies

One can imagine building a new settlement near your own city, yet the mind goes into overdrive when you think about what the ancient Greeks achieved. Taking members of the …


Diatribe: Flying the flag on Australia Day

Kevan, an Armenian from Iraq, was made a citizen of this country on Australia Day, a few years ago. The year after, he came by my house and happened upon …

«H λυρική στιγμή»: Ethics and aesthetics in the poetry of the late Archbishop Stylianos

Dean Kalimniou «Ἄν γράφει ὁ ποιητὴς εἶναι μονάχα γιὰ νὰ μαρτυρήσει ὅτι τὰ πάντα εἶναι ἄρρητα κι εἶναι τῷ ὅντι σὰν νὰ μὴν ὑπάρχουν ἀφοῦ δὲν ὑποτάσσονται». Συζυγίες (Νεροσυρμὴ 2002). …


Greek tennis players struggle with dual taxation at the Australian Open

In the elite realm of professional tennis, a less discussed but significant battle is being fought, not with racquets but with tax codes. Greek athletes participating in the Australian Open …


Mainstreaming hypocrisy and rebooting multiculturalism

I don’t recall any Greek Australian from my generation waking up one fine morning and shouting out: ‘It is great to be white. I really feel white all over.’ On …


Diatribe: The Dickensian Papadiamantis

“If she lived to celebrate other Christmasses, the heartless mother-in-law and unwitting infanticide did not enjoy a happy old age.” Alexandros Papadiamantis, “The Christmas Bread.” One of my favourite ways …


Digital ID Bill 2023: An overview of what is proposed for Australia’s online identity landscape

In November 2023, the Australian government introduced a landmark piece of legislation, the Digital ID Bill 2023. This Bill aims to revolutionise how Australians interact with online services, creating a …
