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Senate: It’s a jump to the left
The 2010 half-Senate election has seen a dramatic shift in the political balance in the Senate from the right to the left
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The Milesians
Dr Nick Trakakis explores the Milesians in this week’s philosopher’s corner
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Just common sense
Fotis Kapetopoulos observes changes in Greece during his first trip back in ten years
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Glimpses of Greece: Dog of a life
Bill Mousoulis examines the stray dog problem in Athens
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Multicultural affairs cannot disappear
Pino Migliorino, chair of the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia, on why “multicultural affairs” should not be left out of the Federal cabinet
Carrot pill anyone?
Medical pills found aboard an ancient Greek shipwreck provide insight into ancient treatments and complex trading networks
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No joy for Victorian Liberals in 2010 Federal Election result
Dr Nick Economou on what Victorian Liberals will take from the 2010 Federal Election
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Remembering the Past: Oral History and Institutional Records
Lambros Karavis looks at oral history and institutional records
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Book roast
Dean Kalimniou looks at the latest example of religious intolerance: the proposed and then cancelled ‘Burn the Quran’ day
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Arranged marriages under the microscope
Jeana Vithoulkas examines the concept of arranged marriages