


Rising death in the streets of Athens: the human toll of the Greek tragedy

Fragkiska Megaloudi gives a shocking account of the surging drug addiction in Greece today, and the rise of HIV cases


Computer games – the classroom of the future

Marigo Raftopoulos talks to Neos Kosmos about game-based learning and its benefits in classrooms of the future.


There’s something about George

Former rugby great George Peponis now remembers his mum’s ‘ingenious’ child care solutions with a smile on his face, read about his migration story:


SC Olyvia Nikou: From local translator to powerful prosecutor

Olyvia Nikou is the first Greek Australian to be awarded silk status (SC) at the Victorian bar, here she recalls growing up as a Greek migrant.


James Tatoulis: Bonegilla and beyond

Heart surgeon James Tatoulis was a child of Bonegilla, here’s his migration story.


Nicholas Kotsiras: between a rock and a choc wedge

Immigration and Cultural Affairs Minister Nicholas Kotsiras remembers his experiences all too well as a young child of migration.


The pain of success: Justice Kyrou

Early life for Supreme Court Judge Emilios Kyrou wasn’t easy. In between punches, he would come to the realisation that knowing the law gives you power.


Suddenly it’s hip to be ethnic

MP Maria Vamvakinou’s migrant life started out with segregation, here she tells her story.


Luck of the draw: New Years in Greece

Luck is the basis of Greek New Year’s traditions, and right now, Greece needs it. Neos Kosmos looks at a couple of New Year’s celebrations not so well known.


Greece’s triangle of power

A nexus of media, business and politics lies behind the country’s crisis, say critics
