

Jobless nears 20 per cent

The rate of unemployment has risen drastically and is at 18.4 per cent as of August this year, up 12.2 per cent from the same time last year.


Papademos takes the reins

“Problems will be solved by unity, understanding and prudence” was the rallying cry from incoming Prime Minister Lucas Papademos, as he prepared to be sworn-in last Friday to lead


Girls night in

Founded in 2004 by the Cancer Council, Girls Night In is fun night in for the ladies aimed at raising money and awareness for all women’s cancers.


Movember for Greece

While the media around the crisis in Greece is focused on financial strain and the political situation, mental health and the way Greeks are coping emotionally has fallen by the wa


Cypriots united on Talat visit

Members of the Australian Peace Initiative for Cyprus (APIC) are calling on the Australian Government to help find a solution to the impasse preventing Mr Mehmet Ali Talat, the for



Bakoyannis looks to Greek Australians as model

Dora Bakoyannis, leader of the Democratic Alliance party in Greece, has appealed to the Greek Australian community to lend its support to their county of origin.


Georgina has her sights set on Harvard

Budding doctor Georgina Prassas has Harvard University in her grasp, to top off her illustrious scholastic career already in the field of medicine.


Bridge-building underway at CCMV

Newly-elected president Jim Wood says it’s time to pull together after a turbulent period for the Cyprus Community of Melbourne and Victoria.


Vic Govt unveils language vision for schools

Many more Prep students in Victoria will be learning a language by 2015 according to a far-reaching plan announced by the state government.


Pressure mounts to return the marbles

The bid to return the Parthenon Marbles by London’s 2012 Olympic Games will go up a notch when Greece’s Minister for Culture and Tourism Pavlos Geroulanos visits the UK capital thi
