News –
My dream time hanging with Oprah and friends
Tania Gogos-Wilson shares her experience of having being part of a select group of Melbournians who shared tacos with Oprah Winfrey and were part of the TV show’s filming as Oprah’
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Residents clash with police
Residents of Keratea near Athens clashed with riot police as they attempted to prevent efforts to construct a new landfill.
Life –
Bucking industry trends
Melbourne tailor Aki Economou believes Australians will come back to home-grown quality
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Feast for the Urban soul
Demitri’s Feast has become one of Melbourne’s cafe hot spots. Victoria Kyriakopoulos meets the man behind Richmond’s tiny Hellenic treasure
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A fresh eye on craft and design
Nella Themelios is the coordinating curator of an envelope-pushing gallery in Melbourne, who has difficulty explaining her job to her parents
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Art for what you need, not for what you want
Michael Needham an artist who creates his Art in colloboration with local communities
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Seeing the wood for the trees
John-Paul Hussey speaks to Konstantin Dimopoulos about his work and his latest sculptures in the US
Features –
City of the world’s desires
There is increasing acknowledgement of Istanbul’s multicultural fabric and an increasing Greek presence, as William Gourlay reports