Have you ever been left confused while trying to decipher product labels? Consumers can now be fully informed about which products are harmful to their health thanks to Ingredio, a new mobile app where users can simply take photos of cosmetics and food products.

Developed by Greek chemical engineer Zoe Cournia, the app is simple to use with results that appear instantly.  Users can be informed about whether ingredients are safe or hazardous according to the Coslng database of the European Commission, World Health Organisation and the Pub Chem database of the National Institute of Health, United States.

Best of all, the app can be used without geographical restrictions for any chemical ingredients listed in English. Up until now, ingredients have been listed with chemical names and it has been hard for consumers to discern what is safe or allergenic.

Cournia studied Chemistry at the University of Athens, and received her doctorate from the University of Heidelberg, Germany.

Since 2009 she is an Investigator at the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens working on discovering new candidate drugs against cancer. Zoe teaches at the Master’s Program “Information Technologies in Biology and Medicine”, co-organized by the Department of Informatics, University of Athens.