Easter, a time of family, tradition, dyed eggs, midnight church services and offal-based soups.
In Greece it is also a time to purchase new clothes. At this time of the year, parents and grandparents in Greece head off to the shops to buy their children and grand children new shoes, coats and outfits for the coming spring season.
What a perfectly wonderful idea!
But why should it only be the children who benefit?
This is one tradition that people of all ages should embrace.
Lucky for us here in Australia, Pascha happens to coincide with the release of Kevin Rudd’s stimulus package.
So really, there’s no excuse for not indulging in a little retail therapy.
If you needed another excuse, remind yourself that it’s always nice to have something new to wear to church.
Have you seen some of the stuff people are wearing to church these days?
I’m always astounded by the number of metallic heels, faux fur coats and big hoop earrings people don at the midnight service.
It’s like everyone’s just popped into mass on their way to an underage disco.
Anyway, I digress. We’re all about to get seriously cashed up thanks to the generosity of our PM, so I say, let’s celebrate the resurrection in style….
My family always heads to Red Hill for the Easter service. The church rests on a small hilly property and you have to get there pretty early to get a good parking spot.
My family is always in a frantic rush and we only ever arrive about 15 minutes before midnight.
This means we have to park way out in the middle of nowhere and then trek through the freezing mud to get to the church, while we’re all rugged up in 20 layers of scarves, gloves and beanies because for some reason it’s about five degrees colder and rainier up in the country..
So with this in mind, here’s how I plan to spend my stimulus package…
Boots are going to be an absolute essential this winter. It will be cold and there will be rain and, trust me, arriving at church with your frozen, purple toes sticking out of your peep-toe heels is not a good look.
Personally, I always struggle buying boots. There are so many decisions to make: heels or flats? Black or brown? Pointy or round-toe? Knee-high or ankle?
If you’re as indecisive as me, take solace in the knowledge that $900 can probably buy you two decent pairs.
A fabulous coat
For this winter season, coats have gone classic.
I’m looking for the perfect navy trench, one that’s perfect for work and matches with everything…
Also, look for military and bomber jackets, unique sleeve designs and big collars.
An umbrella
There won’t be much change after the boots and the jacket!
I’m also an optimist ; t’s going to be a long, cold, rainy winter this year, so I refuse to be without an umbrella.
Not one of those crappy $2 Shop jobs either; this year I’m actually going to buy an umbrella that costs more than $10 and that can withstand a slight breeze.