The Good Friday Royal Children’s  Hospital Appeal is a  tradition that  Melbourne  embraces every  year with  collectors out in force at public spaces, road ways and streets, rattling their tins, virtually door to door, and enticing Victorians to give  generously  for a  good cause.

No matter  what  the  economic or social circumstances, the Appeal never  fails to rack up a fantastic sum and this year  was  no different with a  record total of  $13,862,734.00.

Well done!

Victoria’s  media, volunteer organisations and  individuals give  up their  Good  Friday, gear up, and go out  to raise  money.

There  are also many  and varied  community  events  organised for the  public to also attend, in order to support  the  Children’s Hospital Appeal.

The sporting  Holden Special Vehicles Owners  Club of  Victoria, with over 300 members is  one  such organisation that  has  facilitated a car display at  Southbank annually on Good  Friday in aid of  the  Appeal.

Rows of  concourse and  pristine condition HSV and  HDT specialist  vehicles are on dominant display for the  day as  club members  sacrifice  their time to put on this exhibition on, free  of charge, for the  public’s enjoyment.

Driving  high powered 400 to 600 horsepower vehicles  does  not  make  club members  hoons,  far  from it!

All  members are responsible, enjoying a common bond witheir fellow car-lovers. They socialize and share in the  many activities  the Club organises  over  the  year, from “show and shines”, weekend mystery drives, charity  events, “dyno” tests, as well as motor sport days on the race  track where they belong!

On non- Greek Orthodox Good Friday, while almost  everyone  in Melbourne  sleeps  in,  the  HSV club cars arrive at  Southbank at  around  7.00am and  set  up the  exhibition by 9.00am.

It was  the  biggest  show  ever  this year  with 60  cars worth over  $3 million on display and being  a  family  day, members’  children and families continuously walked up and down the Southbank concourse, restaurants and cafes, shaking  their tins and  collecting several  thousands of  dollars for the kiddies.

The display is also very  popular  amongst  foreign tourists  who are  amazed at  the inexpensive  fuel available here and the  type  of vehicles we Australians  drive.

Club members also realized the opportunity  to talk to car  enthusiasts  from all over  the  world.

Here  are  some interesting facts related by visitors at the  show  –  Petrol in England  is around $2.55 a  litre;  A German car company imports HSV’s and  resells them with luxury interiors under  the  “Bitter”  badge  for around  $200,000 each;  or quote  from a visiting American “I would love one of those GTO  4  door sedans!”

No one escapes Southbank without putting something  into the tinnies and, at the end  of the day, it was nice  to see that  even our  international guests contributed a  few  dollars to a worthy  cause.