Here’s something I’ve noticed recently: it’s freaking freezing here in Melbourne!
When I walk to the tram in the mornings, the ice cold air somehow manages to find its way between my fifteen layers of clothing and chills me to the core.
That evil morning wind stings my eyes, makes them water and ruins my mascara.
And don’t even get me started on the discomfort than ensues once I board the steamy morning tram and begin swapping germs with all the occupants.
Winter can be seriously annoying.
However nothing is more annoying than seeing an under dressed person in winter – I think the cold air must affect some people’s brains.
Almost every day I seem to come face to face with some loco lady who feels the need to wear strappy heels to work.
I mean feet are hideous at the best of times, but there is nothing attractive about a pair of pale feet with toes that have turned blue from the cold.
I’m aware that it’s a lot warmer inside the office than outside, but I still don’t know why one chick in my office insists on wearing a mini skirt every day.
And because she’s so keen to display her permanently spray-tanned legs, she doesn’t even wear stockings or tights!
When you see her standing outside in the frigid air shaking like a leaf and smoking a cigarette, she looks like a complete loon.
And what about men?
They’re not getting off the hook. Many of them are still getting around in their lightweight summer suits, and some of them are not even wearing coats!
It’s absolute madness. Here’s a tip for the boys: wearing a scarf does not make you look gay – it makes you look like an intelligent person.
If things seem bad during the day, the situation certainly doesn’t improve when the sun goes down.
These crazy people still insist on wearing summer outfits to when they hit the town.
By all means wear your little strapless dress out to a club – but for heaven’s sake take a coat with you!
Perhaps now that I’m older I’m feeling the cold more, but I finally know what my parents were talking about all those years ago when they begged me to dress sensibly. Because seriously, what are these girls thinking?
It’s basically snowing outside and they’re standing around in a tiny piece of fabric. And once again, they’re male counterparts aren’t that much better.
he city is always awash with young men bracing the cold in little more than a tight T-shirt or at best a hooded jumper.
Perhaps if the clubs and bars in this town weren’t so damn small there would be space to put in a cloak room and then perhaps people could dress better.
It really doesn’t look great when you have to walk around a bar all night carrying around a giant coat.
Regardless, the point I’m trying to make is that being well dressed means looking good and dressing appropriately for the season.
Standing around on a cold winter’s night with all your pale, goose-bumpy flesh exposed is not a good look.
Next time you’re about to walk out the door in little more than a summer frock, heed my parents’ advice and TAKE A JACKET!