Turkey would consider annexing northern Cyprus if talks between Greek and Turkish Cypriots failed to reach a deal on reunification of the island, Turkey’s European Affairs Minister Egemen Bagis told a Turkish Cypriot newspaper.

Cypriot President Demetris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu have made little progress in negotiations to reunite the island, divided in 1974, since the United Nations persuaded them to renew efforts late last year.

Bagis told Turkish Cypriot newspaper Kibris that Turkey would support any agreement reached by the two sides, but said that was only one of several possible outcomes.

“Reunification under a deal that (the two) leaders could reach, creation of two independent states after an agreement between the two leaders if they are unable to reach a deal for reunification, or annexation of the KKTC [Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus] to Turkey,” Bagis told Kibris during an interview in London.

“These are all the options on the table.” Many Turkish Cypriots oppose the notion of annexation. Turkey’s NTV news channel quoted Ozkan Yorganciogly, leader of the main opposition Republican Turks Party (CTP), as saying the idea was unacceptable.

Cyprus, a member of the European Union, has used the dispute to slow Turkey’s efforts to join the bloc.

Frustrated by the lack of progress, Turkey has said if there was no solution by July 1 when Cyprus takes over the European Union presidency, it would suspend dialogue until the presidency passes to another EU member in 2013.

The dispute took a serious turn last September when Cyprus allowed gas exploration drilling to commence. That prompted Turkey to dispatch naval ships to the Eastern Mediterranean, saying that any gas found would belong to all Cypriots.

Source: Cyprus Mail