After the successful launch of the Hellenic Museum, the exhibition Through A Child’s Eyes – exhibiting the experiences of the children of post-war migration, is still open for members of the public.
Many prominent migrants who were forced to leave Greece along with their parents during the “stone years,” were given the opportunity to share their stories with the help of modern technology at an exhibition held in Melbourne’s Hellenic Museum.
Rare photos from the Post-Civil War Greece and xenophobic Australia are being displayed. What seems to be more touching though, are the protagonists telling their life stories, leaving Greece, many at a young age, not knowing English. However, despite being victims of contempt and racial discrimination, they managed to survive and many succeeded in their lives.
The exhibition will run until May 2013. For more information visit
Through a child’s eyes
An audio visual exhibition examining the lives of those who came to Australia as children during the period of mass assisted migration post 1952