The Census project is a vast and useful bibliography of English translations of literary works in Modern Greek.
Originally compiled by Professor Dia Philippides of Boston College, and published in 1990 by the Modern Greek Studies Association of the USA. It documents translations and studies published in any country, and includes material on Greek-language literary works published in Australia. Professor Philippides and a team of collaborators are now preparing a second, expanded edition, accessible online as well as in hard copy.
Indexing aims to render the bibliographic collection (now in MS Word files) into a machine-readable format that is searchable, extensible and accessible online as an open-access project (PDF and database). An important new feature of the census is that it fully indexes the contents of large collective volumes such as anthologies, facilitating detailed searches.
The bibliographic collection is of use to students, faculty, translators, publishers, libraries, scholars and general readers everywhere in the English-speaking world who are interested in Modern Geek literature.
Published writers who want their work known to interested readers anywhere in the English-speaking world are urged to get in touch with
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