“I never thought I’d be celebrating that streets are empty and people are not going to work,” Victoria’s Premier Daniel Andrews said on Wednesday, on the morning after posting empty streets around Melbourne on social media.

Our journos have also been taking photos of the empty streets of the city and beyond, just before things get even emptier today with stage four restrictions that go into effect for Victorian businesses.

Under stage four, all non-essential businesses and services will be closed. Many other businesses, such as construction and meatworks, will have to severely limit their workforce.

READ MORE: Melbourne, a ghost town, as new Stage Four lockdown rules implemented

Do you have photos showing the state of things in your local area? Send them to mary@neoskosmos.com.au and we’ll add on to our gallery

A rainbow of hope hovers over empty Lower Preston on Plenty Road. Photo: Zoe Thomaidou


The weather was crisp this week at Ballarat. Photo: Alex Economou

