The Consulate of Greece in Perth is now included in the pilot operation of “MyConsulLive,” the platform for serving citizens remotely via video calls.
The platform enables Greeks residing in Western Australia to use a number of Consular services remotely, via scheduled video calls with the personnel of our Consulate. More specifically, it is now possible to obtain the following, by booking an online appointment with us :
Certificate of permanent resident abroad (Πιστοποιητικό Μονίμου Κατοίκου Εξωτερικού)
Copy of an act registered at the Consulate / Copy or extract of a notarial deed (Αντίγραφο/απόσπασμα Ληξιαρχικής ή Συμβολαιογραφικής Πράξης που έγινε στο Προξενείο)
Family or Birth Certificate (Πιστοποιητικό Γέννησης ή Οικογενειακής Κατάστασης)
Certificate of residence (Βεβαίωση Διαμονής)
Certificate of life for pensioners (Δήλωση Δικαιούχου Σύνταξης)
The platform is already up and running and can be accessed through the following link:
Is should be noted that entry into the Service requires the use of Taxisnet login credentials, however, the Taxisnet login details do not necessarily need to be those of the person the appointment is booked for.
For more information, including detailed user guides in Greek and in English, please refer website or contact the Consulate by phone or email.