“And here again”(1) – we are in lockdown.
But this time, every “Cloudy Sunday” (2), “I will close my eyes”(3) and Mitropanos will “Sing me one more song” (4).
The late famous Greek singer who died in April 2012 will keep me company with his mastery of the popular Greek music style “laika” and “rebetika”. I will wrap myself in his lyrics. Mitropanos will help me “Be a little bit patient”(5) in isolation. His song and album titles will explain this modern Melbourne story to me.
That doesn’t mean I won’t be “Shameless”(6) in yearning during lockdown for some fun at “Luna Park”(7),in St Kilda. “With a complaint”(8) in my heart, I will lament that it’s closed and all the people have gone home.
Melbourne’s fourth lockdown in 14 months will be like a cloud over me with what seems like being an ordeal “Without an epilogue”(9). I know too that “The cloudiness passes with companionship”(10) , but I don’t want to imagine the “Woe”(11) if I don’t “Listen”(12) to the lockdown rules and COVID-19 spreads uncontrollably.
Because “One time is enough”(13), “Only once”(14) coming into close or fleeting contact with an infected person and I, and everybody else, can contract COVID-19.
Coronavirus is a “Strange Game”(15).
“Today I would have liked”(16) to be free , but “Here we are”(17) in lockdown and stuck at home. The cold winter “Evenings”(18) are particularly hard. I do my best and try to dance the “Sad”(19) feelings away . After all, “Loneliness is a dance”(20) and “There exists the zeibekiko”(21) solo dance to sweep the glum feelings away. But I dream at night of a happier dance: dancing “16 Hasapika”(22) with my friends.
I dream another dream at night, of “Thessalonki”(23): “Thessaloniki, Saturday night and in April”(24).
“Ah, Greece, I love you”(25) but the “Deep Waters”(26) between Greece and Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic mean I can’t be there. None of us can.
READ MORE: My life in Meltdown: Lockdown Q&A with Dora Houpis
How many more “Summers and winters”(27) will we be separated?
Coronavirus, “Tell me where they sell hearts”(28) so I can buy you one?
COVID-19, we all know “Life has two doors”(29), but , “Sorry”(30), when will you stop knocking on ours? “Like an itinerant circus” (31) you come and go causing havoc and “Tomorrow again”(32) we’ll be updated on more outbreaks.
But “It can’t go further anymore”(33). I, and the people “Of the world”(34) will fight you, “In order to revenge you”(35).
Mitropanos song and album titles in Greek.
- Και πάλι εδω
- Συννεφιασμενη Κυριακή
- Θα κλείσω τα ματια
- Ενα τραγούδι πες μου ακομα
- Κανε λιγάκι υπομονή
- Αφιλοτιμη
- Λουνα Παρκ
- Μ’ ένα παραπονο
- Χωρις επιλογή (δίσκος)
- Η σύννεφια περνάει με παρέα ( δίσκος)
- Αλιμονο
- Ακου
- Μια φορά μονάχα φτάνει
- Μονο μια φορα
- Περιεργο παιχνίδι
- Αποψε θα ‘θελα
- Εδω είμαστε ( δίσκος)
- Τα δειλινα
- Η λυπημένη
- Η μοναξιά είναι ένας χορός
- Υπαρχει και το ζεϊμπέκικο ( δίσκος)
- 16 Χασάπικα ( δίσκος)
- Θεσσαλονικη
- Θεσσαλονικη, Σαββατόβραδο κι Απριλης
- Αχ, Ελλάδα σ’ Αγαπώ
- Βαθια νερα
- Καλοκαιρια και χειμωνες
- Πες μου που πουλάνε καρδιες
- Δυο πόρτες έχει η ζωη
- Συγγνώμη
- Σαν πλανόδιο τσίρκο
- Αυριο παλι
- Δεν πάει αλλο
- Του κοσμου
- Για να σε εκδικηθω
What Greek music is helping you get through Melbourne’s fourth lockdown in the last 14 months? E-mail your favourite songs to editor@neoskosmos.com.au.