The Greek Orthodox Community of St. George Brisbane Cultural Committee has bent to popular demand and is screening Eftihia again, the opening film of last year’s Greek Film Festival.

The Community was not able to have a second screening during the festival in November last year due to scheduling restrictions, now, ahead of the 25 March celebration of Greek National Day of Independence St. George is offering a dive into the Greece’s greatest lyricists and whose songs are part of the Greek psyche.

Eftihia had a difficult life from the time she escaped Smyrna with her family. As a traumatic past comes to light, its painful echoes grow stronger than ever. The Kalavryta Massacre is remembered as one of the darkest moments in Greek history.

Riddled by trauma, she finds a new life and solace in poetry while she forms an attachment to gambling. Her addiction makes her sell her rare lyrics for mere pittances to feed her habit while often, other composers and singers made profit without acknowledging whose talent turned them into household names, in some cases taking credit for her lyrics.

When: Sunday, 19 March at 4pm

Where: New Farm Cinemas, Brisbane