The chairman of the SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance party’s Central Electoral Committee, Yiannis Drosos, announced late on Sunday that with 90.13 per cent of the votes counted, at 484 out of a total of 537 polling centres, the results of the elections to elect a new leader for the main opposition party were as follows:

  • Effie Achtsioglou received 36.21 per cent and 41,098 votes
  • Stefanos Kasselakis received 45.47 per cent and 51,615 votes
  • Nikos Pappas received 8.64% and 9,804 votes
  • Stefanos Tzoumakas received 1.28% and 1,457 votes
  • Euclid Tsakalotos received 8.4% and 9,533 votes

There were also 1,211 votes cast from abroad in more than 20 countries.

Drosos thanked and congratulated each of the five candidates and announced that the Electoral Committee has declared a second round of elections next Sunday between the two front runners, Achtsioglou and Kasselakis.

He thanked the 146,635 members of SYRIZA who participated in the election for a new leader, saying the high participation was also “the voice of a society where the dismantling of every public institution, care and service has become a personal and family problem for many, if not all Greeks.”