In a heartfelt celebration marking the nameday of Archbishop Makarios, attendees were not just gathered for festivities but for a noble cause – to support the vision of Elpis, a forthcoming health and wellbeing center dedicated to rehabilitating individuals battling substance abuse.

As the Chief Executive Officer of AGAPI Care, Mary Gakopoulos presented the Archbishop’s vision for Elpis, a beacon of hope in addressing the pressing issue of drug dependency.

The establishment of Elpis is not merely a philanthropic gesture but a strategic endeavour marked by careful planning and collaboration.

From the formulation of a not-for-profit entity to site selection and feasibility analysis, the Office of the Archdiocese of Australia is diligently laying the groundwork for this transformative initiative. Moreover, partnerships with stakeholders, governmental bodies, and community organizations underscore the commitment to comprehensive service delivery.

Elpis, derived from the Greek word for “hope,” embodies a holistic approach to healing and recovery.

Statistics underscore the urgency of this project, revealing the pervasive impact of substance abuse across age and gender lines. However, the stigma attached to addiction often hinders individuals from seeking timely assistance. Elpis seeks to challenge this stigma, providing a supportive environment where individuals can reclaim their lives with dignity with personalised conditions.

Agapi Chief Executive Officer Mrs Mary Gakopoulos with Fr Vasilios Kourtesis from the Greek Orthodox Church of Sts Cyril & Methodius in Preston. Photo: Con Deves

Ms Gakopoulos’ speech was as follows:

Elpis – will be a health and wellbeing centre to rehabilitate individuals with substance abuse. Statistics show that drug dependency affects both young and old.

Drug dependency in women is higher up to the age of 24 and higher for men aged 24 to 54.

The use of drugs starts off socially, eventually individuals use this to self-medicate when they feel unhappy, leading to drug dependency.

The aim of Elpis is ‘to support individuals to recapture their life’.

Individuals have a right to be supported to realise their full potential for physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development.

Most often than not individuals suffering from substance abuse face stigma. This deters them from seeking help, early.

Elpis’ holistic healing and mindful practices will not only raise awareness about people who are experiencing substance abuse, it will minimise the stigma and taboo faced by individuals while we support them to achieve their goals.

The program will have a start and a finish, it will be a learning experience that is outcome driven, designed, and tailored to suit individual needs and provide person centred solutions.

If individuals want a different result, they need to make different choices. The team of experts that will provide this support understand that every individual is different and just being themselves is the starting point to make that difference in recapturing their life.

The program will be designed by people with life experience and support those in need on their journey of self-discovery and to be a better person, believing in their potential, one that will provide the necessary skills and opportunities to contribute back to the economy and be a valued member of in society.

It will provide an opportunity to make the invisible visible, to talk about the addition rather than shy away from the problem, to present a world that acknowledges the abilities of every individual without discrimination, to underline the importance of inclusivity, participation, and empowerment, that focuses on elevating everyone’s performance capacity to influence and set new standards.

We understand that progress may not always be graceful, but it is still progress. If you give something your best shot, what’s the point in worrying about the outcome – learn from your mistakes, take steps to change and incorporate in daily life a health mind for a healthy life.

As General George Patton stated: if you’re going to win any battle, you have to do one thing….you have to make the mind run the body….never let the body tell the mind what to do.

Currently, the Office of the Archdiocese of Australia is preparing a constitution for the not-for-profit entity which will list the rules of the association, and composition of the board.

They are also establishing a Building and Investment Advisory Group. The advisory group will review 4 proposed sites marked for this project to determine suitability, assess viability, and provide a costs analysis to implement the project.

Collaboration with stakeholders, government and other agencies will be part of the service delivery, that will include education, training, and employment to enhance the lives of those that join the program.

The process of recovery, the challenges of recovery, and where the traditional recovery sector is failing is something the Elpis rehabilitation centre will address.

The program will recognise contrarian thinking, elevating an individual’s experience. Remembering the power of recognition is the power of purpose, for those who receive it and those who observe it.

The creation of a new business model will not only take into account ‘The Minnesota Model of 12 Step Treatment, but it will also incorporate a start and a finish.

In summary we will have RIPES:

R – Rehabilitation

I – Improved health and wellbeing

P – Participation in their chosen community

E – Empowerment – Sound principles are the key to a rich and rewarding life

S – Suitable and sustainable employment

The program will also offer cultural and spiritual connection for those who wish to practice and participate spirituality, supporting an individual’s sense of perspective, meaning and purpose to life.

This will not be built on compliance but rather love and a sense of belonging. Together we can restore what may appear to be broken and change it into something wonderful.

Every successful person has a plan because if they didn’t how would they know they were successful. Never settle for just coping with life.

So, for those that want to change – Elpis will be there to support you every step of the way.

For those who wish to be a part of Elpis and make a difference can donate to the Greek Archdiocese of Australia – donation account below:

Bank: NAB

BSB: 082 155

Account: 70 281 5693