Oakleigh Grammar marked the start of the new academic year with its annual Blessing of the Waters, a tradition that brought together students, staff, and community members in a service of reflection and renewal.
The ceremony was officiated by Bishop Kyriakos of Melbourne, Archepiscopal Vicar of the District of Melbourne, alongside School Chaplain Fr Stavros Kakavas, Very Reverend Fr Kyrillos Zisis, Fr George Adamakis, and clergy from across Melbourne.
The school’s Byzantine Choir provided the musical backdrop, as students, teachers, and School Board members participated with reverence.
Addressing the school community, Bishop Kyriakos encouraged students to approach their studies with diligence and to focus on how they could contribute positively to the world.
Following the service, the Bishop joined Principal Mark Robertson, clergy, and School Board members for morning tea. He also presented four students with brand-new bicycles, a gift from Archbishop Makarios.
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