Psarosoupa, as the dish is called in Greek, means fish soup. Served warm, this delish and nourishing broth is created by a combination of boiled vegetables and fish.

Carrots, celery, leeks and potatoes can offer their aroma to any fish we choose, seafood mix even, and with a dash of olive oil, let us enjoy one of the healthiest and most loved Greek recipes.

600g fish fillets or seafood mix (red mullet, snapper, cod and/or shrimps, mussels, squid)
2 potatoes cut into quarters
1 red onion
10 whole peppercorns
3 medium carrots, chopped
2 stalks of celery, chopped
1 leek
parsley according to personal liking
1.25 litres water
1 tsp salt
120mls olive oil
1 lemon, squeezed

Place the vegetables in a large pot to boil with water on medium-high heat for 15 mins. When you are able to fork the potatoes add salt and boil for another 5 mins.
Remove most of the veggies from the pot and add the fish and the olive oil.
Wait till the soup comes to the boil.
Add the lemon juice and simmer for 20 mins while stirring occasionally.
Take it off the boil and serve as you like.
Garnish with parsley.