What were the key lessons that you taught on your Operation Foundation tour and can you share some of your key tips?

The aim of this tour was to help women find their perfect foundation – a challenge that I am always asked about.
While finding the perfect foundation is important, creating complexion perfection is what will make you look gorgeous! I always say, “not to prime is a crime”!
Achieve a flawless finish by applying a primer first, such as my Auto Pilot Pre-foundation Primer, which will prime and soothe the complexion.

There are endless foundation options to choose from. What is your secret to selecting the perfect foundation?

The best way to find the perfect foundation is to see an expert. Get a consultation to see what type of skin you have as this will really influence what type of foundation you can use.

Another important question to ask yourself is what look do you want to achieve? A perfect foundation for going out at night might not be the perfect foundation for everyday wear. You may also want a matte look for winter whereas opt for a fresh dewy look for summer – you choose!

What are some common mistakes that you noticed Australian women to be making with their application and what can they do to avoid it?

Once again, “not to prime is a crime!” Not that it is necessarily a mistake, but a lot of women are scared to update their look.

You need to experiment and try something out of the ordinary!

Also, don’t be afraid to throw out your makeup. Makeup has expiry dates too.

Not hoarding your makeup will make sure it is more hygienic as well as allowing it to stay up to date with fashion.

What are some of the hottest looks in make-up for Winter 2009 and how to get them?

One of the hottest looks you will see for Winter 2009 in Australia is pink lips.

Pink Lips allows you to make a statement while still having a soft and alluring look.

If you have an olive complexion, dare for a deeper tone such as my Lip Patrol in President Rose, otherwise for a paler complexion go for something a little more pastel such as DeVine Goddess in Electra.