Fotis Kapetopoulos
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Let love and humanity rise from the ashes of the Christchurch mosque attack
I went with my family to the Preston Mosque the Sunday, two days after the slaughter of 50 praying people and wounding of another 50 by a Nazi in Christchurch, …
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Rebetien showcase the best of rebetika at Melbourne Rebetiko Festival
I spoke to Fotis Vergopoulos on bouzouki and vocals and the instigator of the group, as they were about to hop on a bus to Port Fairy Folk Festival and …
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The immigration debate that isn’t
Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced the “fair dinkum” reduction of the migration ceiling from 190,000 permanent migrants to 160,000 last week. This announcement was cynical and far from ‘fair dinkum’, …
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Community broadcasting goes global
Next weekend National Ethnic and Multicultural Broadcasters Council, NEMBC, is bringing together over a hundred and fifty ethnic and multicultural broadcasters at their annual NEMBC conference in Perth. Russell Anderson, …
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Kon Karapanagiotidis: An architect of hope
Kon Karapanagiotidis OAM is tired. He’s suffering a throat infection and has just returned from ten-day national book tour for The Power of Hope or: How Community Love and Compassion …
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Civilisation beaten in a brawl between left and right as ANU Centre for Western Civilisation dumped
With friends like the former Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who needs enemies? The proposed Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation at the Australian National University (ANU) died in the trench warfare …
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Fall of Constantinople a victim of culture wars
On Monday May 28, Cory Bernardi tweeted “Mourn/Commiserate the Fall of Constantinople to the hands of the Islamic takeover”. The leader of the Australian Conservatives suggested people visit a “Church …
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Eric Metaxas’ on his biography of Martin Luther, the controversial man who took on the Catholic Church and transformed society
Eric Metaxas author of Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World greets me over the phone; “Yiasou Patritha”, (health to your homeland), Greeks carry ‘homeland’ on …
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One-on-one with Alex Bhathal
I know Alex Bhathal. We would meet at our sons’ soccer game every Sunday for a season. She also used to ferry young African boys to the games when their …
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Batman begins but how will it end?
Fotis Kapetopoulos tackles the upcoming by-election for the Australian House of Representatives seat of Batman.