
Gerry Georgatos


We are being lied to about poverty – it’s grim

A tragic indicator of increasing poverty and unemployment is the suicide toll, writes Gerry Georgatos.


Every child is our child

Australia’s abomination, a crisis among children.


Our governments are not serious about suicide prevention

World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) is held every year on 10 September.


When are we Australians?

When the debates happened in the 1890s to guide the making of the constitution, it had not been intended to keep out the Malcolm Roberts but to keep out the Xenophons.


Suicide toll – stop the shameless research, just disaggregate

The Australian suicide toll will not be reduced unless we understand the various circumstances of those at-risk and particularly of those critically at-risk.


What is racism? We’re one colour made many

Gerry Georgatos on why racism is a lie that continues to live on.


‘If confirmed a terrorist incident …’ – terrorism is terrorism

Terrorism has been racialised, politicised, propagandised. But in truth mass murder, all bombings, are an act of terror, writes Gerry Georgatos.


Opinion: Australians are lied to about extent of poverty and levels of unemployment

Poverty is mounting and it is a crisis that will tear at this nation.


Suicide prevention needs people on the ground, not just talk

Gerry Georgatos makes the argument for why funding should be directed to providing people with the support needed rather than research.


Climate of hate

There is a capacity for hate today never before known; where the hatred of others, be it outright or through signification is giving rise to maladaptive social cognition.
