
Gerry Georgatos


The grim reality is that the suicide toll is climbing

There is a humanitarian crisis in Australia – a catastrophic systematic crisis – taking more than five per cent of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander deaths – suicide.


Misoxeny – Μίσος των ξένων

Misoxeny continues to play out daily in the Australian landscape, throughout its institutions – you see enough of it in our parliaments and certainly in our media.


The suicide prevention space is immature and inauthentic

Gerry Georgatos addresses Australia’s humanitarian crisis taking more than five per cent of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander deaths – suicide.


Migrant suicides – invisible

The migrant population is lost in translation when we discuss this nation’s suicide toll, and the limited data disaggregation is a major part of the problem


Suicide of 15-year-old boy in Don Dale

For every young life lost, thousands of others meander in broken lives and for many from broken lives to ruination.
