
Peter Adamis


The long walls of HANZAC

On the second last day before returning back home to Australia, the long Walls of HANZAC have been completed. If the weather holds, the sign (HELLENIC ANZAC) above the walls …


Australia – The Great Southern Rock

For many of us, Australia is home. No matter where ones origins are, being or becoming an Australian is a great feeling. Australia is our rock, a home we all …


Vale Peter Jasonides

There are those in life that rise above the maelstrom of life’s challenges by bearing arms and fighting the good fight. Peter was one of them. Unorthodox in his methodologies …


The unbroken bond between Australian and Greek veterans of WWII

Much has been written about the Battle of Crete and the Battle of Greece, and more is to be written about the time when Greeks and Australians fought bravely and …


At the going down of the sun – Anzac Day 2024

This year, like every other, Anzac Day will be commemorated in Greece. Preparations are under way to ensure that here in Greece we remember the 700 Australians and 1200 New …


Battle of Crete and Greece myths and reality

Commemoration for the Battle of Greece and Crete is now upon us. As such Greeks throughout the world will do what they do best. Pay tribute to the fallen and …


Ultra-Marathon legend Giannis Kouros honoured at the HANZAC Memorial on the Name Day visit

January 7 is a significant Orthodox name day for those with the name associated with Ioannis, and it was on this day the village of Pellana Laconia (home of ancient …


Australians have spoken, let’s move on

Is it not interesting to note the viciousness and negative back lash of emotionally immature individuals who immediately went on the attack against those who voted No. As an Australian …


A visit to the Phaleron war cemetery in Athens

Last Friday I visited the Phaleron War Cemetery located outside Athens near the sea. If I remember well my history, the long walls of Athens reached out to Phaleron to …


Aussies at HANZAC, in Pellana Greece

This year in addition to European and North American tourists, Aussies are expected to dominate the scene to visit the HANZAC memorial, located in Pellana, Lakonia, Greece. Already Americans have …
