


The Greeks Vs the Irish

Resident Irishman John-Paul Hussey looks at similarities between the Irish and the Greeks


Libya:between Scylla and Charybdis

Gaddafi is ruthless and brutal but a NATO intervention is not the answer


The Carbon Tax: Its the GST all over again

The conditions of which the GST was introduced are eerily similar to the intoduction of Carbon tax argues Nick Economou


Northern Epirus is not a dirty word

As last as 1940, the Greek inhabinats of Korytsa jubiliantly welcomed the Greek army into their city, fighting off the Italian invaders. The Greeks are therefore… Greek


Pyrrho – Greece’s most charistmatic sceptic

Julia Gillard took a cheap shot at Scott Morrison on the refugee debate while not having a great record herself


It’s game on as Gillard goes high risk with carbon tax

Gillard runs with climate change issue as the Labor party commits to carbon tax

How to survive a siege

In an ancient manual about warfare, Aeneas offers hints, tips, tricks, practical solutions and advice about preparing for, surviving and fighting back a city siege and how to use a


Shame on you Morrison and Abbott

The Shadow Immigration spokesman Scott Morrison was so callous last week it offended Neos Kosmos and should mark the end of the Federal Coalition’s infatuation with One Nation’s po


Australia: the bloody lucky country

Australia and Germany have different ways of looking at migrants, migrant communities and cultural diversity


The Egyptian Revolution : Moment of Truth

Mubarak no chance of surviving politically due to 30 years of corruption, nepotism and despotic governance but will what follows destabilise the Middle East?
