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All my Macedonian heartbreak
Theo Giantsos responds to the recent attack on the Greek bus in FYROM by making the case for why a resolution of the ‘naming issue’ is required.
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Queensland election an important contest
Dr Nick Economou looks at the political significance of the Queensland election for Queensland and Federal politics.
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We need Keating and Xenophon!
Nick Giantsos looks at a week when Paul Keating, Nick Xenopphon and Pacific Brands were in the news.
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Giantsos is right!
I read with great interest Theo Giantsos’ article (NKEE Letters 23 February) “Stop pillaging Greece’s marine treasures”. The article saddened me greatly. However I was totally disgusted with Steven Papadopoulos’ …
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Crunch time for SBS board
An opinion piece on the selection process established by the Federal Government for the appointment of new members to the ABC and the SBS boards.
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Talk loudly and carry an iPod? You’re asking for it
An opinion piece on the spate of attacks on Indians in the western suburbs of Melbourne and the police response to the attacks.