


Standing their ground

While the focus has been on those wishing to leave Greece for Australia, Neos Kosmos has found Australians currently living in Athens who have a strong desire to stay.


What’s in a name?

Get your free pull out calender of all the name days in Saturday’s Neos Kosmos! Read more about the importance of name days.


Confronting reality

From Ari in Head On, to Harry in The Slap, Alex Dimitriades tells Neos Kosmos why he chooses to play Christos Tsiolkas’ most controversial characters, and why he revels in the chal


Taming the black dog

Depression affects one in five Australians. In the Greek community the proportion is even higher. Mike Sweet asks why, and what stops sufferers finding help


Singing her soul, moving our hearts

Legendary Greek singer Haris Alexiou speaks to Neos Kosmos about her life in song and how she longs to appear before Australian audiences again.


Greeks do it better

Anthea Loucas, editor of Australian Gourmet Traveller, sheds light on Australia’s fascination with food, future directions in restaurant dining and why this could be Greek cuisine’


Nick Hogios and the Toyota way

Mike Sweet meets Nick Hogios, Manager of Design at Toyota Style Australia.


The Phantom lives on

Maria Mercedes speaks to Neos Kosmos about how Love Never Dies is leaving a mark of its own and bringing tears to the eyes of Lloyd Webber himself.


Property: the great Australian dream?

Neos Kosmos examines how young Greek Australians need the helping hand of their families to buy property, and what happens to the ones left behind.


Coffee talk in Belogiannis

Alexander Billinis seeks out the history behind the Greek settlement of Beloiannisz in Hungary.
