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Watch My Dance in Eurovision
Greece picks song to compete in the Eurovision Song Contest 2011
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Athens Concert Hall celebrates 20 years
20 year anniversary of cultural hub in Greece, the Athens Concert Hall
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Police killed in line of duty honoured by Greek leaders
Two Greek police officers have died by a group of armed robbers
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Labor divided over same-sex union
The Australian Labor Party divided over same-sex unions because of the Territory Bill
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SBS Greek program raises $50,000 for NZ earthquake victims in an hour
Members of SBS Radio Greek program raised close to $50,000 for New Zealand earthquake victims
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Inquiry into resgistration and support for overseas doctors
Overseas trained doctors constribute significantly in rural, regional and remote Australia
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Demetri’s $6 million manor on the market
After renovating their mansion, the Sideropoulos family are selling up
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Demetri’s $6 million manor on the market
After renovating their mansion, the Sideropoulos family are selling up
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Backyard fruit tree netting killing our wildlife
Backyard fruit tree netting is one of the major causes of death in local wildlife, particulary the grey-headed flying fox